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Ultimate guide to keyless access control

by | 30. May 2024 | Technology

With all the advances in technology, it’s no surprise that keyless access control has become increasingly popular. Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, keyless access control can help keep your property safe and secure.  

Going keyless now offers organisations the opportunity to work on standard routines in the workplace, while keeping their structures and offices secured. Experts in keyless door entry and digital locking solutions, SimonsVoss, can offer your organisation a customised solution to fit your specific requirements.

Keyless entry systems provide instant access to any building or office space and are simple to use. You can set up multiple access rights for different people and assign them specific access in the building. Digital audit trails will give you access to know exactly who entered or exited the building at which times.

We’ll show you how keyless access control works, what it looks like in action and some of the other benefits that come with using one of these state-of-the-art systems. 

What is access control? 

Access control is the process of controlling access to a physical location or resource. On an individual level, it means that only authorised personnel have permission to enter certain rooms, facilities, or buildings – and they’re granted that permission by using a RFID Card / Tag, Transponder  or PIN code

On a larger scale, access control can be used to prevent unauthorised access to entire facilities: if you’re trying to enter your office building when it’s closed for the night and there’s no one behind the security desk to let you in, keyless access control can help you gain access, or deny you access if entering the building after hours if prohibited by your employer.

How does access control work?

Access control is a system that allows you to grant or deny access to restricted areas and assets.

The main goal of keyless entry systems is to provide an efficient method for accessing restricted areas without compromising safety and security. The solution must ensure that only authorised personnel have access while preventing any unauthorised movements or actions around the secured doors.

Access control systems can also be used to secure computer resources and networks. The most common type of physical access control system is the card reader. Other types include biometric readers (fingerprint and iris scanners), proximity cards and fobs (keycard-style devices), door locks with integrated locking mechanisms for secure rooms, interactive voice response systems that let you speak commands at a microphone installed near doors or call buttons inside rooms (usually located in hospital settings) and retinal scanners that allow you to gain entry by scanning your retina with special hardware installed outside the room being accessed.

What are the benefits of access control? 

Access control is the most effective way to reduce costs, increase security, improve efficiency and productivity, and decrease liability. These benefits apply to all businesses—from small retail shops to large manufacturing plants.

Benefits of keyless access control systems include:

Better security – traditional locking systems are easy to manipulate and physical keys are easy to lose or copy. When these keys provide access to your business or home, your safety and assets are at risk. Keyless door entry systems operate by requiring each user to have a unique credential, which makes it hard for somebody to copy your identity on the system. In addition, many electronic door entry systems use end-to-end encryption to protect user data. Most keyless access control locks do not store any data at the local level, making it impossible for hackers and intruders to obtain any personal information that can grant them access to the building.

You have remote access -This feature is handy for multi-site organisations that need to manage different locations from a centralised database. With remote access on a keyless entry system, one administrator can unlock any door or specific area from anywhere. This is useful if an employee needs to be let in after hours, there is a delivery that needs to be handled or even to allow emergency services to enter the building. Remote access to the system also allows admins to adjust or revoke permissions. They can adjust schedules, permissions, and system users quickly and effortlessly without having to be on-site.

Easy management of keys – With traditional locks, every time an employee leaves the company, a new set of keys needs to be cut and issued, and every door lock needs to be retooled. This can become an expensive practice for businesses with a high turnover. A keyless access system can be reconfigured without a full replacement like with traditional locks.  With mobile-based keyless entry for offices, it is much easier to issue new credentials when an employee leaves and a new one joins. Management can be done online from a central database so updating users is instant and can be done seamlessly.

Future-Proofing – Keyless entry for businesses is more than just a security feature. Mobile, cloud-based and wireless systems provide organisations with greater flexibility to meet ever-changing business needs. Electronic door entry systems are easier to update with the latest security technology and software and are easier to scale up or back than traditional office door locks.

What are the 3 main types of access control models 

The three main types of access control are, discretionary access control (DAC), mandatory access control (MAC) and role-based access control (RBAC).

Discretionary Access Control (DAC) 

Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is the most common type of access control system. This type of access control relies on a user’s ability to create, modify or delete their own permissions. DAC systems give you more freedom and flexibility over your account settings than other types of systems do. However, this does not mean that all users should have full administrative rights over their accounts; doing so would be a security risk because it allows someone with malicious intent to gain access to sensitive information about the company or organisation using this method as well as its data assets.

Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) is considered a stronger form of access control because it uses labels? instead of just relying on users’ discretion when assigning permissions for various resources within an environment. Administrators are the only ones who can assign permission levels to users based on security labels which helps limit unauthorised individuals from gaining full control over system resources and databases containing personal information. There are two pieces of information connected to these security labels, which are classification (high, medium, low) and category (specific department or project). Each user account is also assigned classification and category properties. This system provides users access to an object if both properties match.

Who can benefit from access control? 

Access control systems are appropriate for any business, school, university or hospital. They can also be used effectively in government agencies and residential properties.

Access control systems can benefit retail stores by providing a greater level of security than traditional keys or PIN codes. Warehouse facilities have access control systems installed to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive areas without compromising efficiency by requiring employees to pass through multiple checkpoints every day. Manufacturing facilities use them as well because they allow for more efficient workflow management when combined with other modern technology like RFID tags embedded into products that are being manufactured on site

Industries that SimonsVoss have helped reap the benefits of keyless access control 

Schools and Educational Institutions

School buildings, universities and education centres are frequented by hundreds of students, staff and service providers on a daily basis. Creating a safe, secure and controlled environment is crucial, but this can be challenging with the number of people who need access at different times for different reasons.

Taking into consideration the size of your establishments and your security requirements, our simplified, yet highly secure keyless system removes the need for staff to carry multiple keys that can easily be stolen or misplaced. It also eliminates risks associated with kids or students leaving buildings unsupervised and accessing areas that are prohibited. Access to specified areas can be granted on an individual level, which also provides audit trails with granular details of which areas were accessed at what times.

Find out more about access solutions for schools and universities.

Coworking spaces and offices 

Coworking spaces provide an optimal solution for flexible offices and commercial buildings. Freelancers and employees are not necessarily tied to one place to do office work and the possibility of renting a flexible workspace is very popular, particularly in the creative industry and among start-ups. Being able to offer your employees flexible work hours while ensuring a safe and collaborative environment is a coveted perk.

With the rise of coworking spaces, businesses face the challenge of catering to a more dynamic workforce that needs access to office resources at various times of the day and week. Keyless entry systems within coworking spaces is the perfect solution to manage entry into the building for various people at various times of the day.

Contact SimonsVoss to find out which customised solution can be installed at your coworking space or office.

Healthcare Facilities 

In an environment where most patients can’t care for themselves, security and access control are of utmost importance. Doctors, nurses and medical experts need the ability to access their patients easily without compromising their security.

In healthcare facilities, consideration needs to be made for the security of patients, staff and medical equipment that could pose a threat when accessed by the wrong individuals.

Every hospital is a complex network of operating rooms, intensive care units, surgical and maternity wards, drug cabinets and pharmacies that all have different accessibility needs and requirements. Along with medical and admin staff, suppliers and patients, the access of visitors coming and going 24 hours a day needs to be managed.

This widespread accessibility has to be balanced with efficient and reliable security to ensure the safety of patients, staff and expensive medical equipment and medication. SimonsVoss can offer a tailor-made solution while maintaining the level of sensitivity and empathy required for patients and medical staff.

Keyless Entry Systems for Holiday Properties 

Property managers have a lot of administration that they have to manage for holiday apartments and facilities. With managing, multiple properties come coordinating arrival times and also making sure that guests are granted access rights to the amenities or that access is revoked once they leave.

For a building manager with so much responsibility, it is easy to see how traditional locking systems might fail and be costly with simple tasks like key handovers, keys being replaced or even managing access for cleaning staff. Keyless entry is the solution to multiple problems that property managers face. We can simplify your process and increase your productivity while keeping effort and admin costs low.

Keyless Access Control for Small Offices 

Every business, whether big or small, faces the challenge of securing sensitive data and property as well as its employees. Corporate buildings need to manage access for a larger workforce but this doesn’t mean that locking solutions are any easier to manage for smaller companies.

Increasingly, smaller firms and agencies are reaping the benefits of installing keyless digital solutions for small office spaces.

Some employers might have concerns about the safety of their company property or even sensitive data when multiple staff have to have their own sets of keys to access the building at different times. With keyless access control, this is no longer a problem. Any company property, system or data can be secured on smaller buildings that require access control for more than 10 doors.

The state-of-the-art locking system from SimonsVoss means that you have full control over user access to specified rooms and even cabinets in smaller buildings. If you’re working with a global team or working remotely, the system lets you manage access between different time zones, so you’re always in control when it suits you. Make sure your small office is protected at any time of day with the right keyless entry solution for you.

Keyless Entry Systems for Property Management 

When you’re a building manager the safety and security of the tenants and staff onsite is of utmost importance. Ensuring that the right security measure is in place is crucial to creating a safe and secure environment for the well-being of your tenants.

Residents need to enter the building easily – not only individual units but also communal areas such as gyms, laundry rooms or parking garages. In most cases, you’ll want to limit access for staff to areas such as boiler rooms, lift machine rooms or cleaning supply rooms.

Managing access to large properties that have various people coming and going on a daily basis is challenging. Building managers face the challenge of keeping track of staff keys, residents’ keys, and keys that may have been lost or copied – this poses a potential threat to the safety of residents.

SimonsVoss Keyless entry systems for property management provide a solution that enables you to restrict access and monitor security to provide your residents with the knowledge that their belongings and families are secure and protected at all times.

Access control options 

Access control is one of the most important aspects of security, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. The first step in understanding access control is to understand its two basic types: hardware and software.


Access control using hardware makes use of physical locks or identification cards to grant or deny entry into an area. Hardware access control options include Cylinders, Handles and  readers that unlock when a badge is swiped over them.

Hardware like these has its own benefits and drawbacks – for example, hardware keypads can be easier for maintenance workers to use than biometric scanners because they don’t require any retraining or calibration with each new employee, but they may require physical keys in order to work properly if power outages occur at night when nobody’s around (or in case someone forgets their badge).

The benefit of using hardware is that it provides more security because it prevents unauthorised users from accessing your facility without authorisation. Hardware can also reduce the possibility of hacking by adding an extra layer of security to an existing software setup.

Hardware is ideal for use in places where high-security needs are needed because they can be used with or without internet connectivity or other outside resources; however, they do have some disadvantages as well:

– You will need to install them on-site at each location where you want them installed; therefore this may require additional costs due to labour costs involved with installation and maintenance

– If they become damaged in any way (for example if someone breaks into one of these locations), then you’ll have to replace all affected pieces at once??

Software – this is needed to manage the hardware 

For small businesses, the software is a great option because it’s more affordable than hardware and it’s more flexible. It also means you can install the system yourself, so there’s no need for an installation team or to worry about bringing in a vendor to get it onsite.

One key feature of software-based access control systems is that they are easy to update and maintain as your needs change over time. You can easily add new users or delete them if they leave the company – so if you change locations or hire new people, you won’t have any issues with updating or resetting keys.


Another important aspect to consider when choosing a keyless access system is whether or not it integrates with other systems. The following are some common integrations:

– Smart devices

– Alarms

– CCTV – Security cameras

– Video surveillance systems

– Smart locks

– Smart thermostats

An integrated system will allow the user to control all of these devices from one location, and can help create a more seamless connection between security and business automation.

Keyless access control can help you keep your business safe and secure, and it gives you more control over who has access to your property. 


Access control is a great way to keep your business safe and secure. It gives you more control over who has access to your property, which can help you save money on security and time spent on security.

  • Access control can help you save money on security. By limiting the number of people with keys or cards that let them into the building, you can reduce the number of times that someone needs to call in a locksmith (or worse, break in) because their key was lost or stolen.
  • Access control helps save time for employees as well—they don’t have to spend as much time managing access permissions because it’s all handled by the software system that controls everything else about their job (including payroll).
  • Eliminates risk associated with keys being lost or stolen or keypads not being recalibrated
  • Eliminates risk associated with students accessing sensitive information or equipment
  • Automated active security and event loggings provide full visibility and audit trails for staff and students
  • Access levels can be granular and time-dependent, increasing security across schools and universities
  • Responsive technology, access can be revoked in real-time, emergency lockdowns can be instantly initiated and security personnel alerted to critical events
  • Cable-free and wireless retro-fitting so that historical buildings can benefit from lower costs and modern locking

The pros and cons of keyless access control 

There is no denying that keyless access control can benefit you greatly, but there are some disadvantages that you need to be aware of too.


  • Installing some keyless access systems can be expensive especially if there are a lot of traditional locking mechanisms to replace.
  • A system that requires electricity to function will need a backup power source.
  • Management software might require upgrades to ensure that the keyless entry system software is compatible
  • Not sure about the above points


  • One-time access can be enabled for specific visitors, maintenance or trade access.
  • You can monitor all of the access to and from the building with digital audit trails created by each user ID, giving you visibility of all movements.
  • Don’t have to worry about lost keys and replacement costs.
  • It is harder for criminals to break in or decipher a digital lock, especially when access is granted via fingerprint or facial recognition.
  • Central security seems to be controlled via a tablet or phone, even out of the vicinity of the site, giving you visibility from anywhere in the world.

The four central components of an accessibility control model are Identification, Authentication, Authorization and Accountability. 

Identification. The first component of an access control system is identification, which simply means that the person seeking entry must be able to verify their identity before they can get through the doors and into your building. This could mean showing your ID badge to a card reader or providing a PIN code at an electronic lock.

Authentication. Once you have provided sufficient information about yourself, there still needs to be some way for systems administrators (or whoever has been given authorization) to confirm that this information actually belongs to you – otherwise anyone could use any credentials they had on hand and gain access without being properly vetted by someone responsible for managing them.

Authorisation. This component refers to the resources that the user is able to access. Using a keyless entry system, access can be granted on a granular level, meaning that individuals can be restricted from entering specific doors or cabinets depending on their roles.

Accountability. This relates to the functionality of being able to track a user’s movements and actions within a building and having them be accountable for their actions. Keyless entry systems can provide you with insightful data about activities in your building, which can be used if any employee or user needs to be audited for nefarious reasons.

The first step in installing an access control system is to assign authorised users with RFID cards or key fobs.

The first step in installing an access control system is to assign authorised users with RFID cards or key fobs. These are small devices that have a chip and an antenna. The chip uses electromagnetic fields to store data, including the user’s unique identification number. The antenna sends and receives data from the chip when it’s read by a reader, which then provides access or denies access depending on the conditions set for each individual user.

This process can be done manually or through software that interfaces with your existing building management software (BMS). Your BMS will keep track of which doors each person has permission to go through, so you don’t need to worry about having everyone stand in line while they wait for their card to be authorised.

Next you will need to set up a System Controller on your network to manage all your electronic locks.

The system controller is the brain of your access control system. It controls all your electronic locks and monitors them to ensure they are functioning properly. The system controller also acts as a central hub for all networked devices,

When you’re installing your access control system, the easiest way to get started is by connecting your wireless locks to a wireless hub that is connected to the system controller  via a Ethernet cable. this configuration works well for all systems, for larger installations that involve multiple hubs (the electronic devices that manage doors)., You may  need a system controller on each floor in order to connect everything together seamlessly.

Finally, you need to install as many  electronic door locks as you have doors that you want to secure.

Finally, you need to install as many electronic door locks  as you have doors that you want to secure. Each  electronic door lock is installed on the door and works with the existing lock case   to secure and unlock your door.

A keyless access control system has many benefits for your business. The process is not difficult, and the system can be added to at anytime.  Working with an experienced team can make the transition seamless and ensure that you reap the benefits of a customised, state-of-the-art solution as soon as possible.

As the experts in keyless door entry and digital locking systems, SimonsVoss has a mission to eliminate the pressure, time and costs associated with managing buildings and facilities across all sectors.

Since 1995, SimonsVoss has been applying world-renowned German engineering to keyless entry systems. Our intelligent, flexible solutions offer support to those tasked with the responsibility of keeping buildings, facilities, and assets secure.

When it comes to choosing the type of access control system that is most suitable for your organisation, there are a number of factors involved. An expert can help you understand these factors to recommend the best-customised solution for the safety of your operations, premises and business.