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Keyless Entry Systems for Offices and Commercial Building Security

by | 3. June 2024 | Technology

Benefiting small to medium enterprises (SMEs) as much as large organisations, keyless entry systems are as affordable and scalable as they are seamless to manage. Any multi-door commercial building that houses and protects employees, IT systems, physical data and miscellaneous assets, would be wise to upgrade its existing system to a keyless entry system.

How does a keyless entry system work?

Keyless entry office security systems are a sought-after solution within the business community. They allow authorised key card or fob holders to unlock doors to their office buildings in a split second. Facilities teams use this seamless technology to programme keyless door locks and cards to manage permissions in, out and around their buildings.

Whether you have employees, contractors or guests visiting your office address, with a keyless entry system for commercial buildings you can manage your visitors’ footprints remotely and instantaneously. Wireless locks can be fitted to existing doors with minimal expenditure, while key cards or fobs can be purchased in bulk for affordable prices – far less than traditional mechanical locks and keys.

Keyless entry is perfectly aligned for the needs of offices and commercial buildings

Security is the highest priority for today’s workplaces. Data, employees and assets are best protected by a multi-door system which can be locked down and audited by keyless entry system technology, such as that designed by SimonsVoss. The advantages of a keyless entry system for business are best illustrated by exploring the sectors they serve. For example, confidential data must be protected within the finance and insurance sectors. Within a keyless entry, security teams are able to grant bespoke authorisation to employees who need to access particularly sensitive offices. Such authorisations are quick and easy to programme into a keyless card within a SimonsVoss keyless entry system. If, and when, authorisation is revoked, an office security team can cancel or amend authorisations at the click of a key mouse.

Keyless entry systems for commercial buildings can be operated remotely. This feature aligns perfectly with those businesses which are operating out of several office sites, while relying upon one main administrative head office building. A centralised security team operating from their commercial HQ can monitor and manage access to and around several outlying keyless entry office buildings: saving time, money and reducing the risk of security breaches.

Additional advantages of keyless entry systems for business include:

• Lost and stolen keys: key cards and fobs can be quickly and easily cancelled in the event of loss or theft, and replaced quickly and cheaply

• Infection control: as the Covid-19 pandemic illustrated, social distancing is a significantly useful tool in the fight to minimise infection across shared environments. Keyless entry systems could help with this challenge by locking down areas of buildings, and enforcing social distance

• Capped working hours: employers could use keyless technology to ringfence the hours their employees work inside their building. Cards can be programmed to restrict access to permitted hours of the day

• Control visitor and contractor access: with a keyless entry system you can restrict the movement of guests within certain areas and stop people roaming around your building

• Audit movement: smart key cards can keep a record of employees’ paths around an office. This data could provide valuable evidence in the event of a HR or security investigation

• Revoked access: office access rights can be revoked in the moment an employee resigns from their role, and disgruntled staff can be banned from entering (or moving around) an office building

Installation won’t interrupt your day

SimonsVoss keyless entry systems for commercial buildings are quick and easy to install. Each component part of the system is wireless and attractively designed to blend seamlessly into your office corridors and meeting rooms. Employees will be spared the disruption – and costly downtime – that is commonly associated with office building work. Whether your commercial office is old, new or operates from a coworking hub, your new keyless door locks should slot simply into place without drilling, wiring, dust or mess.

Battery operated – no need for constant power supply

Keyless entry systems from SimonsVoss are designed to be long lasting and independently powered. Thanks to their battery-operated locks and readers, a sudden power outage will not take your security system offline. Every SimonsVoss door lock comes equipped with long-life batteries. This extended battery life offers an average of eight years’ service, which translates to roughly 180.000 individual activations.

The types of keyless entry available and commercial buildings

Increasing numbers of organisations are choosing to move away from traditional mechanical keys. The upgrade process starts with a choice of keyless entry systems. There are different types of keyless entry systems to suit the varying challenges faced within commercial

properties. For example, some offices may function securely with simple key fobs, while others would benefit from more advanced smart key cards. The data storage capabilities of the SimonsVoss MIFARE key card range has dual functionality – not only securing your keyless entry office, but also operating equipment (such as printers) and making cashless purchases on-site.

Fob entry systems

The key fob system is another popular variety of keyless entry system. Often referred to as transponders, these ‘keys’ are used to unlock wireless electronic locks within multi-door commercial buildings. Main entrance doors to office buildings are commonly secured using key fobs. A network of key fob readers can be installed to recognise the unique signature of each authorised key fob in the network.

The benefits of key fobs include:

• Simplicity: easy to programme and easy to update in the event of loss, theft or resignation

• Affordability: key fobs sit at the more affordable end of the keyless technology spectrum

• Bulkier shape: attached to a keyring or handbag, fobs are less likely to slide out of sight, slip out of your hand or be left behind on a desk, counter or sink, than a thin plastic key card

How secure are keyless entry systems?

Security within your office will be bolstered by the introduction of a keyless entry system. Traditional metal keys, for example, can be copied by criminals, while encrypted smart key cards cannot.

Keyless door entry systems are one of the most secure solutions available to commercial organisations. Using SimonsVoss software, security teams can quickly and easily secure an entire office (and even a network of remote offices). Employees’ permissions settings can be updated instantaneously during a security incident.

Office security is strengthened by the use of key cards and fobs, which can be cheaply replaced in the event of loss or theft. No more waiting for locksmiths to replace door locks and paying for new keys to be cut.

What is the cost of a commercial keyless entry system?

Keyless access systems are scalable by design, meaning you can start small and invest over time as your business grows. At the top end of the pricing scale is a package for 60,000+ users, meaning no matter how much you grow there’s a SimonsVoss solution to suit.

Starter kits for keyless entry systems cost less than £1,000. Containing keyless cylinders, active technology transponders and essential software accessories, these kits are often perfectly aligned with the needs of SMEs working from small commercial premises. Long-life batteries offer superb value for money, while replacement transponders have a low price point, especially when they are ordered in bulk.

Improve the security of your office, your assets and employees by exploring the world of SimonsVoss keyless entry systems today.