Building Key Fob Door Entry

by | 30. May 2024 | Industries

Key fob entry systems are meeting and exceeding the needs of the global business community on numerous levels. Improved security being the most significant reason to consider upgrading a commercial building, with mechanical locks and keys, to a keyless entry system equipped with keyless locks and door fob readers. For example, lost or stolen key fobs for a commercial building can be cancelled at the click of a button, and without the delay of using a locksmith to replace mechanical keys and locks. Key fobs are also far cheaper to replace and to create for new users, than conventional metal keys, which helps companies to scale up to larger offices with the minimal investment in their secure entry systems.

What is a key fob entry system?

 A key fob entry system (or transponder entry system) is a popular type of keyless entry system. Such systems can be installed on all, or several, hand-picked doors, within a commercial building. Doors that are most commonly secured with the help of a key fob door lock system, include: main entrance doors, departmental doors and doors that lead into restricted areas, where sensitive electronic or physical data is stored, or where members of the C-Suite have their desks.

Wireless keyless entry systems use door readers, which are programmed by security teams to recognise and respond to the digital handshake of an authorised key fob. Key fobs are an alternative to other types of digital keys, such as MIFARE key cards.

How do they work?

 Key fob entry systems work by creating a network of readers and locks that recognise the unique signature of each authorised key fob in the system. Once programmed to recognise a key fob, the reader is primed to instruct a keyless door to remain locked, or to unlock and be opened.

Key fob locks are also known as proximity keys. Radio frequencies are emitted by an authorised key fob and data is transferred to a door reader in close proximity to the fob. It is this data that authenticates the fob and grants the key fob holder access into or through a private commercial setting.

Programming of the systems.

 When it comes to the programming of our digital entry systems, the entire process is carried out through the easy-to-use software called Locking System Management.

Prior to installation, every wireless lock must be programmed and encrypted with the user password for the locking plan –assigning each lock to a specific door. The final step is to assign users to doors, and program their specific access rights onto the lock or the fobs.

Changes to user’s access rights can be managed simply by placing an “X” in a box and reprogramming either the lock or the fob – a quick and simple task that applies any changes immediately.

Audit trails and time zone management are also managed via the software and programmed into the locks or fobs.

What are the best key fob entry systems?

 SimonsVoss key fob entry systems offer leading technology and sleek design that blends seamlessly into contemporary commercial premises; meaning they score highly with companies the world over. Ranking among the very best key fob entry systems, SimonsVoss systems offer wireless technology and remote access security management.

When sourcing your key fob entry system it is vitally important to consider how the system is powered, how scalable and affordable it will be in the long term, and how and from where it can be operated.

Start by researching battery operated keyless access systems, such as those from SimonsVoss. Battery operated systems offer a neat, cableless fit and finish, and most importantly, a reliable and long battery life for maximum peace of mind. SimonsVoss keyless transponder locks offer a battery life of up to ten years.

Look for a keyless entry system that can be managed from a central system and/or a remote app.

Security teams can respond best in the event of a security breach, or when cards are lost and stolen, when an entire access system of keyless door readers, locks and key fobs operates from the same software. Look for key fob entry systems that run from centralised software and allow for remote access. The most useful keyless access system software is that which offers audit functionality. With the ability to track and monitor the movements of users around a secured building, your security team will be better positioned to block a user’s access rights if they are acting suspiciously or, for example, are breaking security protocols by allowing tailgaters to access restricted areas.

The best key fob entry systems are those that combine security and convenience with genuine affordability. Fobs are more affordable to replace than conventional keys, and the savings will quickly add up with every damaged, lost or stolen card your users report.

Avoid key fob entry systems with limited battery power and no low battery warnings. These may fail you when you least expect it, placing your office building, and the sensitive and valuable commercial assets located within, at risk of theft and criminal damage. Never pay over the odds for your fobs, door locks and readers: no matter how stylish the hardware looks in the brochure. SimonsVoss keyless access systems bring German-engineered quality and style into every office space, while offering exceptional value for money.

Are they safe for commercial premises?

 Yes, SimonsVoss has customers across Europe that trust its systems to keep their commercial premises safe. In Germany, for example, these include: the savings bank LBS and Savings bank

Sparkasse Gera-Greiz. Our keyless entry systems are installed in numerous establishments across the UK education, health and local government sectors, and also in hospitality, leisure and commercial property businesses.

Commercial operations have trusted key fob technology to control access to and through its buildings for decades. Created in the 1990s, key fob technology has developed to meet the rigorous security demands of modern office spaces. Today, physical and data security has never been higher on the risk agenda, making key fob access systems a trusted and affordable security resource.

Key fob entry systems are safer than a traditional mechanical locking and key access system.

What happens if a key fob is lost?

 If a key fob is lost and urgently reported to your security team, your access system security will most likely be unaffected. The impact of a lost key fob is far less significant than the loss of a mechanical office key, which would signal the need for a replacement door lock and a replacement key.

A lost key fob within a SimonsVoss keyless access system can be cancelled within minutes. SimonsVoss keyless media is also protected against unauthorised copying, which offers an extra layer of security and greater peace of mind.

SimonsVoss key fobs can be instantly deactivated in the event of a reported loss or theft– in the same moment that the replacement fob is activated. If you or your security team have any questions about deactivating and reprogramming a key fob, please do not hesitate to contact the SimonsVoss service teams for guidance.

The price of a key fob system

 A SimonsVoss key fob system will typically cost a quarter of what a hard-wired access control system will cost. Your identification media (fob/transponder) can be purchased in small quantities as starter packs or in greater numbers at scaleable costs.

The SimonsVoss key fob door lock system is trusted by numerous sectors, on a global scale, to help secure commercial buildings and track the movements of people in restricted areas. Such keyless technology is transforming the way in which we access and interact with the commercial buildings we use. Offering ease of use, robust security and affordability of installation and expansion, a key fob entry system is as innovative as it is intelligent.