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Access Control Trends for 2022 (and beyond) 

by | 31. May 2024 | Industries

ACCESS control systems have evolved over the past two years with the pandemic turning the requirements of the modern workplace on their head. These systems need to be robust enough to keep people, assets, data and equipment safe, they need to be efficient enough to fit in with the seamless and fast-paced, tech-enabled world of instant gratification in which we reside – but they also need to play into our health and wellbeing.

Living in a world where hygiene and cleanliness now get equal billing alongside security and sustainability, traditional security measures such as lock and key and number punch systems are becoming increasingly less popular.

The ever-changing landscape of the workplace or educational space – whether it be office, hospital, care home, local authority building, school or university – means a rethink for many organisations when it comes to adopting or adapting changes to their security and access control.

Social distancing and reducing the number of people in one place at one time has led to increased ‘traffic’ in terms of people coming and going at different times of the day. Not to mention stringent restrictions being placed on the number of people that could be in one space at one time.

In turn, this can lead to greater risk of security breaches and premises being left empty and vulnerable. Door access control systems make it easy to monitor, and control who has permission to come and go, as well as being able to monitor and limit people’s movements with peace of mind in knowing who has access to any area at any time.

At one time or another, many of us will have lost or misplaced a key – either at work, on the train or during a night out. As well as the cost of having to call out the locksmith and have locks on multiple doors replaced and another round of keys cut, there is always the fear that the key can be copied and entry gained to your home, office or facility.

If the key happens to be one to access the main door into a residential complex, a block of housing association properties or a local government building, the chances are that the whole system will need to be replaced – at some cost and inconvenience.

Benefits of access control systems post pandemic 

Our access control systems come with guaranteed peace of mind along with huge benefits:

– Security – particularly in areas which house sensitive data, expensive equipment or controlled medical or other substances.

– Convenience – the ability to gain access using a variety of mediums, therefore eliminating the risk of loss of separate key card or fob. 

– Remote access management – YOU have control. Authorised personnel can be instantly added or deleted from your list of digital key holders, which helps you (or your team) manage the movements of new starters, leavers and visitors.

– Cost-effectiveness – the systems are retro-fitted and can be done a door at a time.

– Sustainability – the systems are battery powered so allow you to maintain your green credentials. And what’s more, you will no longer need to use the services of a locksmith if things go wrong.

The access control trends we expect to see taking shape 

Security is the highest priority for today’s workplaces. Data, employees and assets are best protected by a multi-door system which can be locked down and audited by keyless entry system technology.

The advantages of a keyless entry system for a business are best illustrated by exploring the sectors they serve. For example, confidential data must be protected within the finance and insurance sectors. With a keyless entry, security teams can grant bespoke authorisation to employees who need to access particularly sensitive offices.

Such authorisations are quick and easy to programme into a keyless card within one of our  keyless entry systems. If, and when, authorisation is revoked, an office security team can cancel or amend authorisations at the click of a key mouse.

Embrace a new world of efficiency and security with System 3060. 

1.Mobile access control.

We barely leave home without our phone or smartwatch; tapping to fill up with fuel on the way to a meeting or grabbing lunch on the go.

So, in this digital age, and with something that we have in our possession for much of the time, we can now unlock doors through mobile access control.

This allows for optimised physical security as well as an enhanced user experience and increased sustainability. A mobile access control system allows the user to take full advantage of their device’s offerings by using it to enter the building without fear of key cards or fobs being cloned.

2.Cloud-based access control 

Cloud-based systems ensure entry can be managed entirely remotely. This gives administrators the ability to instantly grant and revoke access from wherever they are in the world.

Again, this allows staff or visitors to gain access to the building via their smartphones, while data about traffic entering or leaving the building is collected in real-time.

As well as the many security elements of cloud-based access control, this system can also save money.

It can open and secure doors remotely without having to worry about the cost of on-site security staff and unlike on-site access control, there are no servers to maintain and is updated automatically – keeping you safe from cyber threats.

This is also a great access control system if you are looking to scale up, offering greater convenience for adding new doors and users to the system at any time.

3.System integrations 

System integration is the process of linking many elements to one single IT system – and is a great solution for organisations who work with a number of independent subsystems for different activities.

This could include processing payments, collecting data or everyday administration. Many of these systems work separately and can lead to time being wasted due to manually re-entering data.

Allowing products to easily integrate with each other lets organisations efficiently streamline their day-to-day operations.

Access control is all about providing convenience to the end user in 2022, and system integration is a great example of providing a joined-up solution to manage time and money.

4.Multi-factor authentication 

For managers looking to add an extra layer of security in the workplace, multi-factor authentication is a great option, and is a popular 2021 approach that is set to gain even more momentum in 2022.

An example of how organisations may implement multi-factor authentication is by utilising mobile access control to allow easy entry to the workplace and photo ID providing instant visual identity verification.

The two combined deliver a high level of security while simultaneously enhancing the user experience.

5.Subscription-based services 

A subscription-based model allows organisations to manage access on a term-to-term basis.

These services have risen in popularity due to the pandemic, with more organisations set to maintain remote working and hybrid working patterns in 2022.

A cost-effective solution, especially for those with flexible business models, subscription-based services are ideal for companies that don’t require staff to frequently gain access to the premises – requiring them to only pay for access when required.

6.Upgrading from legacy technology 

Companies have become more aware of the risks associated with relying on legacy technology. Low frequency 125khz cards are becoming inefficient in providing secure workplace access, as they can easily be cloned using cheap technology available online.

There is likely to be an increase throughout 2022 in organisations choosing to upgrade to modern access control systems and modern alternatives to protect themselves  from data breaches.

Contact us 

If you would like to discuss your keyless and digital entry system needs and solutions please get in touch.